Saturday 1 September 2012

Day 4...Dukan Diet...ATTACK!

Now approaching the evening of day 4, I am meant to stop the attack phase after 5 days but I am going to continue until I reach the 7 days mark. The reason being is that it's my boyfriends birthday coming up and there is no way to avoid the family meal at a restaurant. I have had a look at the menu and by this stage I will be on the protein and veg day, the least sinful out of all the items on the menu, baring in mind most come with chips and I do not want to be asked by family members why I am not eating the chips, so I have to be smart and choose an item that has healthy sides.

My choice-  Duck breast on spinach and sweet onion rosti with butternut squash

I know following Dukan that duck is not allowed as it is a fatty meat, however the need to avoid chips is more important as I actually worry if I did have chips, I would fail on this diet.

Day 4 has been pretty good, I have read on other blogs that day 4 can be quite tough, make it or break it scenario but I have been steadfast which is great.

Today I ate-:

Oat bran galette- which I thought was simply revolting however I ate it all I will not make this again.

2 egg omelette with only one yolk, turkey breast slices and some turkey sausage. I felt really full after this which is a sign that my stomach has got used to the lack of food.

Smooth vanilla fat free muller light yogurt
1 seafood stick {Please take note of the carb content in this item, do not over indulge!}

1 tea with Soya milk no sugar
2 liters of flavored water

Multi-vitamin tablet (in regards to this, try and split the vitamin in 2 and take half in morning and then half again in the evening. The reason is because if you take the whole vitamin in the morning, some of the vitamins get peed out and therefore you haven't got the whole use out of it.)

I have an app on my phone which calculates calories, as with any of these devices it is a gauge only.

I have eaten 685 calories today.

This morning I weighed 74.7kg, as ever though weight fluctuates throughout the day. I'm steadying off at around 75kg.

Now I am off to do a 20min walk which should take me to 80cal less.

Friday 31 August 2012

Dukan Diet Attack phase Day 3

I just started the Dukan Diet a few days ago, I won't lie, it has been a very hard beginning to the journey but definitely worth it!

I decided to do the Dukan Diet as previously my attempts to weight loss have flopped.. This time I have set timescales, a lot of rules to follow and it provides a template for me to keep up which leaves me more prepared.

No carbs- it is hard but after day 2 you don't really crave that potato or bread etc. My saving grace has been Muller Light yogurts, however there is a lot of wavering about whether these are allowed or not, I have 1 vanilla or toffee yogurt a day and no more. It provides a sweetness that is lacking in the rest of the protein packed foods.

What really has wowed me is the loss I've had so far, 4.4Ibs, that is crazy!

The first day on Dukan I couldn't do the 20min walk that Dr Dukan prescribes, I was shattered and my body was too tired with the adjustment. Ever since though I have been keeping up with the walking- roughly 20min which is 1 mile and 80cal lost. I go a fairly easy pace as with the lack of calories I do not want to over do my body. I have roughly 500-600 calories a day, this is not watching what I eat and I know this probably isn't enough but it's hard to eat just purely protein every day, it gets sickening.

I had a very sore head on the first two days, I was constantly tired and grouchy. Today however I have been good except for a bit of tiredness later in the day.

I did what some people may think is the impossible, I went shopping today in Asda, walked passed all the lovely tempting outlawed foods and only got Attack phase items. I mean there was fresh bread, and the cooked items, and pizzas and all sorts.... pat on the back for being so strong I think!

I also had to cook this evening for my boyfriend and I. I cooked mini steak, I had mine with turkey slices and some yogurt sauce, my boyfriend had his with onions, mushrooms, peppered sauce and curly fries. I absolutely adore mushrooms, nearly broke my heart giving him them all, but I did and now I feel all the stronger for it.

To people thinking about starting this diet- be under no illusions it is very difficult, but if you want to break the habit of a lifetime and turn your life around, this diet is perfect. Battle through, read some of the inspirational blogs on here and kick ass!

Saturday 9 June 2012

Not been great recently

I haven't write in my blog for a while and that proudly reflects my drive towards weight loss. I really fell of the wagon this week. I haven't kept to my training schedule but even worse, I have had two take away meals. I recently started a new job and I think that had something to do with situation, new people, perhaps a but if anxiety and I have cracked under a bit of pressure. I am disappointed but I knew this was going to happen.
The important thing in this process is recognising that I have fallen of the wagon, taken notes on how it may of happened, and then jump back on the path of determination to meet those goals. The mantra, food is fuel really needs to be re-enforced. I an an emotional eater. That needs to change!
I hope somebody who reads this can relate to how difficult this is, don't lose faith. You have a goal and a reason why you have set that goal. Remember that you can do it. You may have been beaten in the past, but that does not write what happens in the future.

Thursday 31 May 2012

Starting to feel good

Ok so I've been on the treadmill everyday since I got it and my body is starting to like the exercise. The only problem is I have to go out of town for a few days and I won't have access to sports equipment. On top of this I have to go out for an Indian meal and don't know what to order that could be half healthy! I've been doing do good I don't want too ruin it all now. After a week of being focused and good I don't want to fall of the wagon now... I'm making myself sound like I have an addiction but I suppose it is in a way. I have an unhealthy addiction and I want to turn my eating and exercising habits around.

Remember food is fuel!

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Exercise... woah I'm unfit!

I just got my treadmill! I love treadmills, for me it suits my lifestyle, you can just hop on for a brisk walk and jog when you want. But wow I underestimated how unfit I really had became!

Monday- 15minutes on the treadmill, 51 calories burned
Tuesday- 15minutes, 50 calories burned

I know this just isn't enough exercise but it is actually hard to get started!

I am going to build and increase this amount slowly, so that I can gradually gain fitness!

I checked my weight today also and it has gone up to 75kg, I think it is the muscle working as muscle weighs more than fat- more so, I hope it is muscle.

I am going to check my measurements in a couple of weeks time to see if there has been a change.

Fingers crossed folks.

Also my friend said something to me yesterday which I thought I should share:

'Food is just fuel, the cleaner the fuel that is consumed the better the body will run.'

Perhaps might make that a motto for motivation.

Stay focused!

Sunday 27 May 2012

Hard weekend

The sun has been out all weekend and it has been so hot! Bbq all the way, however it's not exactly healthy so I have backtracked quite a bit. I got a lot of sun and tan which is great but it would look better on a toned body.
Every time photos are taken and I see them after it always spurs me on to reach my goal. I have a wedding to go to at the beginning of July. I am going to a party mid July and I am going on holiday at the beginning of August. I want to tone the shape of my body so that I will be confident and love the shape I am.
My treadmill it's coming tomorrow. The beginning of my exercise routine and I can't wait.
If anyone is on the same boat as me. Stay strong, keep motivated, do some exercise that you enjoy and remember your goals. It's not all cardio, do some weights and get strong! The results will be amazing. Share your stories folks. It makes weight loss that bit more manageable.
I'll be putting up some tips soon to keep on your goals... Look out for them.

Thursday 24 May 2012

The beginning...

I have started to blog, for the sole reason that I need to loose weight and gain strength and muscle. I have watched and known how my body has gained the pounds ever since I started university and moved out of my home. I have done nothing about it, purely thinking... just one more take-away doesn't matter, sure I need a reward. I find myself justifying my eating habits with, 'sure it's the end of my's sunny today, too hot to cook.....just one more take-away, I'll start the diet next Monday.', which is a Thursday, mid-week I have decided to make a change. Now there are several reasons why I've decided TODAY to make this change.

Last night I was at a BBQ at a friends house, my friend is in really great shape. I decided to go shopping and get a nice outfit. I tried some shorts on and tops and realised my size doesn't fit, that's 3 sizes I have gone up since I began university....whattt!

I didn't try on the next size up, I just bought it, with my embarrassment at peak. I put tan on and put the shorts on, and they were even a bit tight on my thighs, but not only that, my thighs are flabby and red veins are spreading on the back of them, I have red veins on my muffin top as well. I know this is brutally honest but it is time I got out of my denial. This is not asthma is the worst it has ever been. I have no stamina, I am obese for my age, height, frame....everything.

So today is the beginning of a long hard journey, I know I will need help...encouragement.... some other people who are doing the same as what I am, I need to stick to my exercise routine and healthy eating, losing a couple of pounds a week, slowly and maintaining my weight loss after.

I am going to post photos-

What I look like now and see how this develops, it won't be pretty but it is going to be great when I see the change of shape.

My measurements are-

Bust- 93cm
Chest- 88.2cm
Waist- 82.5cm
Hips- 94cm
Butt- 111cm
Left thigh- 67cm
Right thigh- 66cm
Right arm- 32cm
Left arm- 32.2cm

Weight- 75kg or 11.8 Stone
Height- 160cm or 5'2
Current dress size- large 12-14 depending on fit